Биг Ньюс ! Легендарный кастомайзер фигурок 1:6 - Mark Thomas aka Dorgmal Show запустил свою линию фигурок "13Project" совместно с компанией Green Wolf Gear Первый релиз - Hanruko Genocide Trooper Figure 1/6.
The 13 PROJECT is a concept conceived by Dorgmal Snow and Feroze Alam. The story covers a expanse of time in earths history. From the "Glorious Days" of the discover of new super elements, deep space travel A.I. synthetic human systems, to the decline, misery and suffering of the asteroid storms and the apocalyptic state on earth....The first figure we are producing is focused on The 100 Day War, a pivotal point in the timeline, a time a great dispair, overpopulation, famine, depletion of natural resources and global unrest. After the Stratogen techno virus wiped out most of the global networks and communications, governments began to fall and the mass riots took place. When Nuclear war was imminent several of the giant corporations took it upon themselves to step in. The Hanroku troops were deployed, overthrowing civil and governmental areas of unrest and seizing, all, nuclear arms. They fought night and day until the war ceased. "
Доступна обычная версия (200 usd) , Deluxe версия с базукой (250 usd) и лимитный тираж 13 фигурок раскрашеных вручную Dorgmal Show (около 600 USD за 1 рарик c номером на фигурке и на боксе)
Информация - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gr … scription#
Предзаказы и цены - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gr … ward=false
Спешл издание Special Edition 100 Day War Figure
Тираж из 100 фигурок Deluxe Figure (с базукой) , каждая покрашена вручную + эффект износа , загрязнения от Dorgmal .
Сертификат с номером и лимитный принт
Цена : 420 USD
Special Edition 100 Day War Figure
Exclusive 100 Year Day Print